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  • Writer's pictureJoe Gilbert

Battle for the cats of BGC! Beauty is more than skin deep in the Philippines.

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

Claire Briddon (Founder of "Cats of BGC" and Michelle Calix Domingo are a driving force for good in BGC. Make sure to checkout the video interview with Claire on YouTube. If you’re short on time, you can fast fwd. The video is indexed.

Animal Control:

All major cities, just as all people suffer challenges. The difference in outcome is due largely by the manner in which we deal with those challenges.

I was curious about the large number of cats I see daily, so I set out to investigate. I had no idea that my curiosity would lead me to a fabulous organization with more than 100 volunteers working everyday to do good.

I discovered that BGC has long been experiencing a large population of wild cats that were starving and in need of medical care. No decent person wants to see an animal suffer starvation or disease, nor would we expect to visit or live in a premier city and be at risk from diseases such as rabies, flea borne illness or other down-stream problems. As we will discover, it only takes one person with an idea to take action and make a difference.

The Question:

How do we humanely reduce the population and transform the wild population from sick and ill to healthy and vaccinated. To understand the answer, we have to start with the people of BGC. The Filipino people are famous for their kindness and for providing the worlds best nurses. When it comes to animals, the same care and kindness is evident. Walk into a coffee shop or restaurant, or better yet, take a stroll and look at all the dogs in outfits and strollers. You can't miss it!!

My timing was perfect as this past weekend was the "Pet Huddle" in BGC. 5th avenue at High Street was lined with vendors and organizations for animal lovers.

Lets look at a couple of awesome doggy product offerings before we get back to the cats.

Ruff Trading Company:

Founded by two friends who design every product, and utilize select craftspeople to manufacture their products. For example, a seamstress will sew and produce the cushions for a doggy bed, and a selected weaver will produce the actual bed. The result of this attention to detail is a product so well executed and beautiful, it reminds my of Ralph Lauren clothing. Tasteful and of unmatched quality!

Barktown and Kyuubites:

Really cute outfits and delicious treats for the little ones.

Kyuubites Links:

Back to the Cats:

There are signs is in several locations warning people not to feed the cats. I wrongly assumed that kind people just fed them regardless of the rules, as there are food and water dishes scattered all over the city.

First Clues of something more: I found the same model pet dish located in several places making me believe this is not coincidence. Then I found one marked “Cats of BGC”. Continuing my walk I found myself chatting with employees from a local business who feed the cats and was told that one was missing today. They're supposed to have six. This was another clue that people didn’t just set food and water bowls out randomly. Arriving home, a quick Google search brought me to Cats of BGC. An organization founded by Claire. Please watch the video on YouTube and reach out to help if you can.

Cats of BGC:

A Few Photos:

Until next time,

Joey Out!


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